As more people and businesses look into finding methods to cut their energy costs and lessen their environmental effects, solar panel systems are growing more and more common in Australia. You might be curious about what a 10kW system is and whether it’s appropriate for you when you’re thinking about installing a solar panel system.

A 10kW solar panel system is a big system that is capable of producing a sizable quantity of power. For big households or small enterprises, 10kW solar systems are ideal because they offer an optimal blend of excellent power output and affordable costs. 10kW solar systems are suitable for you if you consume more electricity than the average person. A 10kW solar system is among the largest residential solar power systems on the market today. It is especially suitable for large households who use more than 20kW per day. According to research, up to 40 kWh of electrical energy is used daily by large Australian residences. Such a large amount of electricity can be generated, and all the necessary energy demands are met with a 10kW solar system. A 10KW solar system in Brisbane is currently usable in a setting with several households, owing to technological advancements. Families who need electricity for appliances like air conditioners, heated pools, or home automation may benefit greatly from a 10kW solar system. Even in these circumstances, this capability results in improved reliability, efficacy, and sustainability.

Additionally, 10kW solar systems will make it possible for you to get additional Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), as these certifications are determined by the solar panel’s capability instead of by the size of the inverters. Due to their substantial price decrease, many people choose 10kW solar panels as their perfect solar system.

A number of variables might impact a 10kW solar system’s overall power output, however. The actual electricity output of a 10kW solar power system will differ depending on a variety of variables. These variables include the amount of sunlight, the amount of shade, the temperature of the outdoors, and the orientation of the solar panels. Australia receives around 5 hours of optimum sunshine each day, which implies that a north-facing 10kW solar panel system will provide 32kWh to 40 kWh of power on a typical day.

You can also receive appropriate compensation for extra power provided to the grid with a 10kW installation. With 10kW solar systems, you have the option of either storing the extra energy you create in solar batteries for future use or selling it to the grid via feed-in tariffs. However, solar feed-in tariff credits are now a side benefit of installing a solar system. Instead, by consuming the generated electricity or utilising the energy as it is produced, you will get the maximum value from your generated solar energy. The greater the amount of solar energy you use for your own needs, the higher you’ll be able to save since solar feed-in tariff rates are often lower compared to what you’ll pay for electricity generated by the grid. At the same time, the extra energy generated by the solar system will flow into the grid and get you credits that help lower your total bill. Additionally, the payback period for your 10kW solar system might be between 5 and 7 years, based on its size and requirements. For a more accurate assessment, divide the system’s total cost by the yearly energy savings. You could figure out your annual electricity savings by multiplying the quantity of energy that your solar power system produces by the price per kWh. The size of the solar system and the amount of sunlight received are often utilised for estimating the amount of energy. You may get the price per kWh for your home’s location on your energy statement.

Please contact us to schedule a consultation with a solar system professional if you need guidance deciding the ideal size solar system.